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Does the base assembly of a mini blender need to be checked regularly for damage?

The bottom components of mini blenders do need to be regularly inspected for damage. This is because the bottom components of the blender, such as the mixing shaft, blades, and related support structures, are the core components of the blender during operation. They bear various forces and wear generated during the mixing process. Regularly checking the integrity of these components can promptly identify and address potential issues, thereby avoiding more serious damage and malfunctions.
Specifically, when inspecting the bottom components, attention can be paid to the following aspects:
Wear condition of mixing shaft and blades: Check whether there is obvious wear, deformation or cracking on the mixing shaft and blades. These wear and tear may be caused by prolonged use, improper handling, or mixing of hard objects. If severe wear is found, relevant components should be replaced in a timely manner.
Loosening of fasteners: Check whether the fasteners (such as bolts, nuts, etc.) at the connection between the mixing shaft and the machine body are loose. Loose fasteners can cause the mixing shaft to shake during operation, thereby affecting the mixing effect and stability of the blender. Therefore, loose fasteners should be tightened in a timely manner.
Integrity of seals: The bottom of the blender is usually equipped with seals to prevent material leakage during the mixing process. Check whether the seals are aging, damaged, or loose. If any problems are found, the seals should be replaced or repaired in a timely manner.
Lubrication condition of bearings: For the bottom components of blenders with bearings, the lubrication condition of the bearings should be checked. If the bearings lack oil or have poor lubrication, it will cause to increased bearing wear, which in turn will affect the service life of the blender. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly add an appropriate amount of lubricating oil to the bearings.
Safety of electrical connections: If the bottom components of the blender contain electrical components (such as motors, etc.), the safety of the electrical connections should also be checked. Ensure that electrical components such as wires and plugs are not damaged or exposed, and that the connections are firm and reliable.